Three Examples Of Attempting To Bribe An Officer That Could Lead To Charges


No one likes when a police officer appears to be ready to write him or her a ticket, whether it's for a traffic offense, a property offense, or some other type of situation. While accepting the ticket is always your best bet — and then fighting it afterward if you feel that you have a reason to do so — you may feel as though attempting to sweet talk your way out of the ticket might also work.

17 August 2018

3 Helpful Tips For Finding The Perfect Criminal Defense Attorney


Facing a criminal charge can be intimidating because your personal and professional life could be heavily impacted. So that they're not and you move on as quickly as possible, you need to hire the right criminal defense attorney. This can be a smooth process if you consider these tips.  Assess Area of Expertise  Not all criminal defense attorneys are equal. Some will have more experience than others in a particular field of criminal defense.

27 June 2018

Don't Take That Call: Beware Of The Claims Adjuster


When you're hurt because of an accident, you are in a vulnerable position. Dealing with injuries, a wrecked car and missed work is stressful, particularly when you know that you are not at fault for the accident. This is no time, however, for you to let down your guard and fall victim once again. Read on to learn about the phone call you do not want to take and why.

11 April 2018

4 Mistakes To Avoid After Being Charged With A Criminal Offense


Being charged with a criminal offense is an event that can turn your life upside down. How you react to your arrest can make a huge difference in how your case plays out in court. If you were recently charged with a crime, avoid the following mistakes: Speaking without Legal Representation It is normal to be upset or panic after being charged with a criminal offense, but it is important to stay calm and collected.

14 October 2016

Defining Key Terms In A Personal Injury Case


If you have been injured by someone else, you do not necessarily have legal recourse to sue the injuring party. You need to be able to prove that you were injured due to their negligent actions. The key word here is "prove." Assuming that the person who injured you does not readily admit to taking a course of action that put you in harm's way or failing to take action to prevent harm, how do you prove that they did indeed injure you?

20 July 2016

Getting Divorced While Pregnant? Consider These 3 Things


Though some people will say that staying in a marriage is what will be best for a baby that has yet to be born, sometimes a divorce may be necessary. If you are currently pregnant while going through a divorce, these are three things that you'll need to consider. Know What The Sate Laws Are Different states will have their own laws when it comes to getting a divorce while you are pregnant.

13 July 2016

Is Your Prescription Drug Reaction Actionable? Learn More About Medical Malpractice


When you go to a physician, whether it is your usual primary care physician or a specialist, ER doctor, or other physician, you put a certain amount of trust in them to keep your best interest at heart. As such, if the doctor prescribes you a medication, you likely do not question their recommendation. However, should you experience an adverse reaction to that prescription medication, you may find yourself wondering if there was any negligence or malpractice at play.

14 June 2016