What to Do When Toys Cause the Wrongful Death or Injury of a Child


When parents purchase new toys for their children, the idea of the toy causing an injury is likely one of the last things on their minds. However, defective products can cause injury. In extreme cases, a toy can also result in the unfortunate and untimely death of an innocent life. What Are Product Defects? In the simplest of terms, product defects are problems not caused by the user. These issues can be attributed to factors like poor design, low-quality materials and inadequate product testing.

1 December 2015

Evidence For Divorce And Child Custody Cases


Divorce can be a hard time in life. This is especially true when there are children involved. The most important thing in these divorce cases is to make sure that the child is taken care of and put in the best situation. Many divorces are due to domestic violence or abuse cases. If this is the case, you will want to fight tooth and nail to make sure that you have custody of your child so that the abusive parent is not able to continue such bad behavior.

19 August 2015

Why You Need A Lawyer's Help After Getting Injured By A Drunk Driver


Did your life change in the blink of an eye due to someone driving under the influence (DUI) and causing a collision? You may find that your situation is easier to cope with if you allow a lawyer to help you get justice for what the other party put you through. Find out below how a car accident lawyer can get justice against a drunk driver on your behalf and how much the help will cost.

17 July 2015

3 Things That Can Impact Your Personal Injury Case


Car accidents happen every day. When someone else causes an accident that you're involved in, you have to think about who is going to pay for the damage and medical bills. For many people, that means filing a personal injury lawsuit. Here are three things that can impact your case. 1. You share fault for the accident. The thing about car accidents is that, in many cases, both drivers are at fault.

14 July 2015

Issued A DUI? Why You Need An Attorney


If you were recently charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI,) you are likely very concerned about the chances of receiving a conviction and being forced to serve time in jail.  Although you may believe that there is little that you can do to affect the outcome of your case, you may be mistaken.  An experienced DUI attorney has the knowledge necessary to help you in many different ways.  Use this information to learn more about why it's so important to hire a DUI lawyer as soon as possible.

6 July 2015

Protect Your Rights And Guarantee Your Future - Questions To Ask Your Divorce Attorney


Finding yourself in a situation where you need the services of an attorney of family law can be one of the most stressful times in anyone's life. No one goes in to a marriage with the expectation that it'll eventually end, but if reconciliation becomes impossible, it's vital that you take the appropriate steps to guarantee that your rights remain protected. Below, you'll find a guide to some questions you should be sure to ask your family lawyer.

26 June 2015

3 Tips For The Environmental Law Process


If you work in any outdoors life related industry and come across a lawsuit that involves environmental law, there are some very important tips that you will want to keep in mind, so that you can make the absolute most of your situation. By following some of these tips, you'll have the help and service that you need to take advantage of the protection and service that can keep you out of the legal crossfire.

3 June 2015

Why Joint Tenancy Isn't The Best Way To Prevent Probate


It is fairly common for individuals to attempt to keep their estate out of probate by arranging to have their assets put into joint tenancy. While this may be an effective means of avoiding probate in some cases, there are some definite pitfalls to this technique. In the following scenarios, the joint tenancy technique could cause problems down the road: The loss of "stepped-up valuation" Stepped-up valuation is the revaluation of assets that have appreciated in value.

19 May 2015

Don't Open The Gate Of Liability On Your Property


Slip and fall accidents in front of a home are often due to icy, wet, or slippery concrete sidewalk surfaces. Yet, other hazards could be present due to a homeowner's negligence. Leaving the gate to the front yard or a driveway open and allowing it to obstruct the sidewalk is a really bad idea. Anyone injured because a property owner left a gate open might bring forth a negligence lawsuit in civil court.

18 May 2015

Divorce Issues: 4 Tips For Dividing Your Property


If you are currently going through a divorce, you will need to figure out what to do with the property you own together. The property can be anything from a house or car to furnishings and other belongings in your home. This can be one of the more difficult parts of a divorce, so it is best to start early and get legal assistance. Here are some tips for dividing your property.

14 May 2015