How To Qualify For SSDI Benefits With A Mental Disorder


If you are suffering from a mental disorder and you are having a difficult time remaining employed, you might not realize that you qualify for SSDI benefits. The SSA Blue Book, which is a list of disorders that qualify patients for SSDI benefits, lists several mental disorders as qualifying conditions. The best way to find out is to schedule a consultation with a Social Security disability attorney.

Mental Disorders That Qualify You for SSDI Benefits

The types of disorders that can qualify you for SSDI benefits include bipolar disorder, anxiety, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and schizophrenia. If you are able to prove that this condition will prevent you from working for over a year or will result in your death, you may be qualified for SSDI benefits.

Mental Illness and Unemployment

You will need to be unable to do the work that you have been doing up until now and you must also be unreasonable for you to be able to be retrained for a different job.

An example of this is if you are suffering from schizophrenia and your symptoms disappear, which some schizophrenia patients experience. You work a job for several years and then your symptoms return and you are unable to complete tasks due to your symptoms enough that you are unable to reliably do your job. Under these circumstances, you might qualify for SSDI benefits.

Conditions Not Listed in the Blue Book

If you have a condition that is not found in the Blue Book, you may still be able to qualify for SSDI benefits. With the help of a psychologist, a Social Security attorney may be able to make a compelling argument for why you will not be able to work full-time.

There are some conditions that would not qualify you for SSDI benefits unless you are able to prove that your condition is severe enough. For example, with autism, you would need to prove that you are struggling to communicate and engage in activities. 

When the SSA Denies Your Claim

It's sometimes difficult to predict whether the SSA will approve your claim or not. However, if your claim is denied, you have the option to appeal your claim. If the appeal is denied, you have the option to make your case during a hearing. Fortunately, with the help of a Social Security attorney, your odds of having your claim approved on appeal go up substantially and an attorney is able to represent you during the hearing.


17 January 2022

Find Legal Help for Your Loved Ones

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