Divorce In The Age Of Social Media


Social media platforms have made communication, interaction, and socialization easier. People update their lives and learn about others on these platforms. However, when going through a divorce, you'll want to limit what you do and post on social media. Here's how you can navigate social media during your divorce. 

Don't Overshare

You're about to get divorced, and you want to tell the world that you're about to be free again. While that sounds lovely, you might want to keep it down until it's finalized. Remember, whatever you post on social media can and will be used against you in court. 

The end of your partnership doesn't necessarily mean the end of your relationship, especially if you have kids. Whatever you post on social media against your partner could be used in the child custody case. If you post a picture on a cruise, date, or enjoying life, your partner can use that as evidence in court.

Consult Your Lawyer 

Consult your divorce lawyer and ask what you can or can't post on social media. Your attorney is an asset during your divorce as their main goal is to look out for your interests. Posting on social media could be against your best interests. Therefore, you can request your divorce attorney to review your social media accounts to see if anything is damning. 

Go Easy on the Dating Apps

Now that you're finalizing your separation, it's time to get back out there, right? Yes, but also try to be subtle. You're still undergoing a divorce, and whatever you post on dating apps can be used against you, especially if infidelity was among the reasons for divorce. 

Scrutinize Everything You Post 

Until your divorce is over, you still have a partner, and you might want to understand the implication of your actions. Right now, almost everything you do is under a microscope. Therefore, only share family-friendly posts on your social media accounts. 

Also, while outside, be a genuinely nice person. This is not just for show, as almost everyone has a smartphone today. Be the bigger person in this divorce, especially if there are kids involved. Don't post things against your partner or marriage. Anyone can share these posts, and eventually, your kids will see them. Remember, an amicable divorce is better for both parties and your kids. 

Talk to your divorce lawyer, and they'll help you navigate through the pitfalls of social media and divorce. If you have trouble limiting what you post, try quitting social media until you finalize the divorce. 


11 June 2021

Find Legal Help for Your Loved Ones

After my mom turned 68 years old, she started doing all kinds of strange things. She spent her monthly retirement checks on excessive amounts of food and clothing but didn't pay her rent or bills on time. At one point, she forgot who I was to her. Since my mom lived alone at an independent apartment complex, I couldn't monitor her behavior every second of the day. I brought these things to my mom's attention, but she refused to get medical help. After my mother called the fire department to report a fake fire, I took legal action. I contacted a general attorney and became my mother's power of attorney. I now had the right to monitor my mom's finances and medical care. If your loved one needs help, read my blog for information on general attorneys. You'll find tips, articles and much more to help you get started.